General Baptist State Convention of NC

Our Objectives


These are the objectives of the General Baptist State Convention of North Carolina. Providing support to the objectives is why the Convention exists.

Shaw University
founded in 1865, is the first historically black
college of the south. Shaw is a private, co-
educational, liberal arts university affiliated with
the Baptist Church. The University awards degrees
at the both the undergraduate and graduate level.

Shaw University Divinity School
traces its beginning back to 1865 and
provides the theological education dedicated
to the preparation of clergy and laity for
clinical, pastoral and teaching professions with a
focus on the African-American Church.

Lott Carey Baptist Foreign Mission Convention
founded in 1897 by African-American Baptists
interested in foreign missions (especially Africa),
helps church extend their Christian witness around
the world through programs in health,
education and ministry in 20 countries.

J.J. Johnson Baptist Assembly
(located in Laurel Hill, NC) was established in 1967
resulting from a gift of land from the late
Dr. and Mrs. Joy J. Johnson to create a recreational
and retreat facility for the Baptist family in North Carolina.

Central Children’s Home
founded in 1883, exists to provide family centered services
by way of an appropriate period of residential group care
of children and youth (ages 9 -21) who cannot remain
at home due to dependency, neglect or abuse. 

State Missions
comprises the administration, operations and programs of the Conventions designed to facilitate support for the objectives, teaching and training
for Churches, professional development for clergy and resourcing for
member Churches. State Missions is the engine of the Convention.


Ways to Support

The Baptist Headquarters:

The Clearinghouse for Missions in North Carolina 


All contributions for the General Baptist State Convention for North Carolina, Inc. are processed through The Baptist Headquarters serves as the clearinghouse for funds collected from the missionary Baptist churches in North Carolina. Contributions are accepted during sessions of the Convention and its auxiliaries. At other times, contributions are accepted at the Baptist Headquarters. The Baptist Headquarters is open from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. 


Contributions may be mailed to the Baptist Headquarters at the following address:


General Baptist State Convention

603 S. Wilmington Street Raleigh, NC 27601-2388


Please make your checks or money orders payable to General Baptist State Convention (GBSC).


Designated Giving:

One way to make a contribution to the GBSC is a designated gift. When a church (or person) makes a designated gift, the Baptist Headquarters is specifically told for what the contribution is to be used. Designated gifts are paid to the donor’s intended purpose on a monthly basis. Generally, designated funds are disbursed with 30 days of being received at the Baptist Headquarters. In some limited circumstances, funds may be held longer. Headquarters cannot change the intent of the donor with permission.


Unrestricted Giving:

Another way to make a contribution to the GBSC is to make an unrestricted gift. When the Church (or person) makes an unrestricted gift, the Baptist Headquarters may use the money for whatever the pressing needs of the Convention and its objectives might be. Usually, these unrestricted gifts are categorized as the “state mission.” Any contribution that is not designated is considered an unrestricted gift.  


Temporary Restricted Giving:

From time-to-time the Convention makes special appeals for the financial support for special projects, natural disasters, emergencies, with the objectives, or for some other reason. When those appeals for special funds go out, The Baptist Headquarters holds those funds in trust and uses them for the announced purpose. Once the goal for the announced giving is reached, the Convention make reallocate any excess funds for a similar purpose as the original appeal. When making special appeals, the Convention will announce the time frame for the completion of the stated project and the conditions under which excess funds may be reallocated for a similar purpose.     


The Unified Plan:

In 1935, the Convention approved an idea called the “unified plan of giving”. Under the Unified Plan, a contribution is divided up into percentages so that a portion of the contribution is made available to each of the Convention’s objectives. A portion goes to Shaw University, a portion to Shaw Divinity School, a portion to Central Children’s Home, a portion to Lott Carey Baptist Foreign Missions Convention, and a portion goes to state missions.


Contact Baptist Headquarters for more information as the percentage allocation may vary.


Auxiliary Support:

The GBSC has five auxiliaries: Women’s Baptist Home and Foreign Missions Convention of North Carolina, Congress of Christian Education, North Carolina Baptist Ushers Convention, North Carolina State Laymen’s League, and the Ministers Council. Churches and individuals may give contributions to support these auxiliaries. Funds received at Baptist Headquarters for one of the auxiliaries is held in trust and used to make the work of the auxiliaries possible throughout the year. A portion of funds for auxiliary support goes to the overall operations of the Convention AFTER the needs of the individual auxiliaries are met. (Please note that the Women’s Baptist Home and Foreign Missions Convention of North Carolina, though an auxiliary operates separately and independently from the parent body. Contributions for this auxiliary should be sent directly to the Women’s Baptist State Convention.) 


Giving to the Missions through the General Baptist State Convention:

The General Baptist State Convention of North Carolina was founded in 1867 with the purpose of supporting the “General ministry and to promote missions.” Since its inception, the Convention has stood for those fundamental values and worked to remain true to its founding values. Financial support to achieve these goals comes primarily from Individual Churches and groups of Churches through local Associations. However, the Convention accepts contributions from individuals and from some Corporations. The Convention is a voluntary association of like-minded Christians who pool their financial resources to provide support for the objectives and programs of the General Baptist State Convention: Shaw University, Shaw Divinity School, Central Children’s Home, Lott Carey Baptist Foreign Mission Convention, General Baptist Foundation, and state missions. The purpose of this brochure is to explain the ways that Churches may support this work.

 The General Baptist State Convention of North Carolina, Inc. is recognized as a 501(c)(3) organization under the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. In addition, contributions to the General Baptist State Convention of North Carolina, Inc. qualify for the charitable Contributions deduction under Section 170(b)(1)(a) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. The General Baptist State Convention of North Carolina, Inc. is not a private foundation Under Section 509 (a) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. The financial statements of The Convention are audited Annually by a certified public accountant. The annual audit reports are available for review at the Baptist Headquarters building upon request.